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Highly Sensitive Kids

Attached is an article from Focus on the Family.  I hope you will read it to the end.  It is actually written for parents but I think there is some good advice in there for children’s ministry workers too.  This is what I took away from the article.

  1. Having a set routine in your services HELPS highly sensitive kids.  All kids but especially the sensitive ones like the predictability of a set routine.
  2. Keep good order in the class.  Don’t let the kids get “rowdy”.  Make sure there is some consequence for disruption and follow through, even if it means from time to time a child has to go and sit with their parents.
  3. Make sure the worship time engages the kids.  This is why we come to church – to engage with God.  Ask the kids what they perceived God was saying to them.  You may be surprised what they tell you.

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A Blog by Grace Verrier

I remember when I was a child going to church and I would get a star on my chart if I could memorize a particular scripture and be able to repeat it the following Sunday.  Because I was diligent I received lots of stars.  However, the majority of the class “lost” the memory verse paper before they arrived home and consequently had nothing to say when it came time to repeat the verse the following week.  When I became a Children’s Pastor I realized that there had to be a better way to get the children to “hide the word of God in their hearts so that they would not sin against Him” (Psalm 119:11).

The first thing I did was make sure the children totally understood the meaning of the verse I was teaching.  I always chose a pivotal verse that was the centre of the day’s teaching.  I made sure I used it several times (with its address) during the presentation.  Then I would play a game where each participant had to read the memory verse in a loud voice before they could play the game.  For example in one of the games, I placed two masking tape lines on the floor approximately 12 feet apart.  A child first said the memory verse in a loud voice and then he blew a ping pong ball between the two lines (not using his hands) and I would time the endeavor. Each week we would hold a different contest. The winner always got a small prize or I fed them a treat such as a gummy worm.  The children had already memorized the scripture before they left for home.

Some Sundays would be “Memory Verse Review Time” where I might write out part of the verses they had learned and see who could fill in the blanks.  These would reinforce their memory work.  The children always had fun playing memory verse games.


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Children’s Worship Songs | Children’s Church Curriculum

Children’s Worship Songs for Children’s Ministry

Children’s Worship Songs instructional video by Steve Green. This is a good video to give younger children an understanding of why and how we worship.

Kids Worship with Steve Green


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