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The Power of Habits

The Power of Habits

“We first make our habits and then our habits make us.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

My son once asked me about somebody  being born bad.  I told him people are not born bad it is the habits that we make that make us become who we are.

That is why we are to make good spiritual habits.  As Children’s ministers we are one of the first in line to help kids make good spiritual habits.  We can remind them to pray each day and to read their bible.  Remind them to be like Jesus was when he was growing up.

I always love when you read scripture and it gives a window into the everyday lifestyle of the people, especially Jesus.  We see he had the habit to pray early in the morning and we often see him praying late at night too.  We see him choosing a place to pray and then going there on a regular basis.   He must have had the habit of giving, because when he instructed Judas to go and do what he had to do quickly, the other disciples thought he was going to give to the poor.

He must also have had the habit of meditating on scripture as well, for he was able to quickly respond in every situation with, “It is written …”