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Joy keeps you Young in Spirit

Joy keeps you Young in Spirit

“A man as he so lives may die old at 30 or young at 80.”
(E. C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

I remember an elderly man well into his 80s who ran the bus ministry of a church we attended.  He was always full of joy with sparkling blue eyes and a smile from ear to ear.  He definitely had a younger spirit about him than some of the younger people in the church.  If there is one thing that can keep you young, is that fire for evangelism and passionate love for the Lord.  It was plain to all who knew him that he had a passion for souls.

We as children’s ministers have the privilege of leading children to the Lord.  There is nothing more rejuvenating than that.  Be sure to bask in that joy each time you lead a child to the Lord.  The joy is the reward for our labour.