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Millennials Abandoning the Church as it is today

Millennials Abandoning Faith

Below are a couple of quotes from an article from Focus on the Family.  I think this article is SO very relevant today – a must read for churches.

“Millennials are more likely to ask what the church is doing for the poor than whether there is a specific Bible study available on Thursday nights. There is a growing desire to be part of a cause rather than to simply attend a church with convenient meeting times, facilities or location. A Millennial is likely to pass five megachurches to attend a new startup with 20 friends who really care about his or her life.”

“Many Millennials have distaste for how rigid church has become. They do prefer a church with structure, but not one so rigidly traditional that they don’t have a say. Much of the feedback we have gotten from Millennials about growing up in church was that it didn’t feel natural to them. They were told it was a place to be free and open, but generally Millennials never fully engaged. They kept to themselves.”

This sound like a negative message, but I believe it is a wake-up call for the church to start caring about every generation.  Worship needs to be such that every generation engages.



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Faith to Prepare

Faith to Prepare

“Prayer is asking for rain and faith is carrying the umbrella.”
(E.C. McKenzie from 1800 Quotable Quotes)

Many churches pray for revival and for souls and for an awakening for their community, but are we really ready?  If 100 new people landed in on your church this Sunday, would you be ready?  Would your children’s church ministry be ready to receive a bunch of new children.   True faith prepares.  True faith takes steps to be ready.  True faith has expectation.

I encourage you to get yourself ready because if you are praying for souls, then expect your prayers to be answered.  Have people trained and ready.


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