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Game Candy Stealing


Preparation:  Mark a large square unto the floor with either chalk or masking tape.  In each corner place 4 candy items. (Example in one corner you would put 4 chocolate bars, in the 2nd corner, 4 bags of chips, in the 3rd and 4th corners some other type of candy treats.)  Make sure that the candy treats you choose, do not roll.  Place one child in each corner.  When you say go, each child must simultaneously go and steal a candy treat from someone else’s corner and then bring it back to their pile.  The hitch is that they can only go to one corner at a time and they must promptly bring the item to their corner.  They can run diagonally also. Run each round for 20 seconds.  The action is fast and intense.  Remind the kids to be careful not to crash into each other.   Have them recite the memory verse before and between rounds.  The one with the most candy wins.  We usually award the winner with one candy prize.