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Millennials Abandoning the Church as it is today

Millennials Abandoning Faith

Below are a couple of quotes from an article from Focus on the Family.  I think this article is SO very relevant today – a must read for churches.

“Millennials are more likely to ask what the church is doing for the poor than whether there is a specific Bible study available on Thursday nights. There is a growing desire to be part of a cause rather than to simply attend a church with convenient meeting times, facilities or location. A Millennial is likely to pass five megachurches to attend a new startup with 20 friends who really care about his or her life.”

“Many Millennials have distaste for how rigid church has become. They do prefer a church with structure, but not one so rigidly traditional that they don’t have a say. Much of the feedback we have gotten from Millennials about growing up in church was that it didn’t feel natural to them. They were told it was a place to be free and open, but generally Millennials never fully engaged. They kept to themselves.”

This sound like a negative message, but I believe it is a wake-up call for the church to start caring about every generation.  Worship needs to be such that every generation engages.